Sediment Control & Stabilisation – FlexMSE
FlexMSE acts as a sediment and erosion control material and is perfect for managing storm water levels which is ideal when the project is located near urban areas.
Flex MSE- Innovative Retaining Wall Technology
Sediment Control & Stabilisation
Sediment build up is a constant concern for Irish and English water areas, FlexSME can provide a sustainable solution for this issue by filtering and controlling these levels.
Flex MSE can be used to filter waterways by introducing the geobags into strategic slow flow locations on the water bank or coastline. The advantage with this system over substitutes is when the geobags are seeded with the ideal local vegetation to complement the areas natural habitat while the bags collect the excess sediment and other contaminants providing a sustainable and protecting barrier from the land and water.
Flex MSE acts as a sediment and erosion control material and is perfect at managing storm water levels which is ideal when the project is located near urban areas.
River bank stabilisation with integrated rip rap
River bank stabilisation – High Flows
Slope Stabilisation
Ditch and dyke repair with new vegetation
Municipal detention ponds
Residential swales and other Storm Water Infrastructure
Flex MSE re-establishes natural land forms and builds a deep and varied root web – key features to reducing sediment and pollution levels in our waterways. One simple system can be used to ‘retain, detain, and convey’.
Dykes, retention/detention ponds, abutments, swales, ditches, urban waterways and wetlands can all be built to any scale with Flex MSE.
An added benefit with Flex MSE is the ability to use the system for focused storm water management. By relying on the system’s gentle percolation rate and flow through ability, damaging flow rates can be lowered and prevent sediment pollution from entering storm water.
Governments and Municipalities worldwide have begun adopting strict Erosion & Sediment Control guidelines. Best Management Practices (BMPs) must be in place for most new developments and include silt plans, designed sediment discharge, pond deactivation methodology, and clear identification of sensitive waterways.
Agricultural lands on waterways are falling under stricter municipal water quality plans as well. Creating resilient, plant based banks that filter and collect sediment while resisting major erosion is a solid investment for everyone involved.
Contact us today to find out more about Flex MSE.